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We live in a world today that is very different from the one we grew up in, the one we were educated in the world today is changing at such an accelerated rate and we as educators need to pause and reflect in this entire system of education. Are our schools well equipped to prepare our children to face the challenges that the future holds? Questions such as these are factors that motivate us to go through a continuous process of reflection. Hence, we at Don Bosco school work at implementing a well-balanced curriculum to ensure that the children who walk into the portals of our school will not just love their school years but truly be prepared to face the life’s challenges. Don Bosco our father and founder says “Education is a matter of Heart”. Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. Jaques Delor has rightly said that education is based on the four pillars: learning to be, learning to know each other, learning to do, and learning to live and share together. Our curriculum and practices are consistently reviewed to ensure that we are following the most updated best practices, meeting all the regulations, and addressing the future needs of our students. Our pedagogy is wholistic and comprehensive which is reflected and our vision & mission statement.

Father Gopu Peter Reddy,

Rector and Correspondent

Embracing Nature:


Nestled within 7 acres of verdant beauty, our school campus serves as a sanctuary for learning. Towering trees and the serene beauty of nature create an atmosphere of tranquility, setting the stage for an academic journey marked by inspiration and creativity. The grand stage, enveloped by a vast playground and embraced by majestic trees, stands testament to our commitment to providing a nurturing environment for every young mind that steps through our gates.



Morning Rituals and Spiritual Warm-up:


As the first rays of sunlight grace our campus, our students are welcomed by the soothing notes of music, signalling the beginning of daily rituals in our assembly. Here, amidst meditation, breathing exercises, and motivational talks, our students receive not only an academic initiation but also a spiritual warm-up, ensuring they embark on each day on a positive and harmonious note.




Offerings for Holistic Development:


At Don Bosco, we believe in offering more than just academic education; we strive for holistic development. Our unique offerings include Conversation Classes, igniting intellectual discourse; a Radio Jockey program, fostering creativity and language proficiency; Assemblies where students learn and perform; Talent Ease, integrating activity-based learning; and Counselling services, recognising and addressing the individual needs of each unique child.



World-Class Infrastructure:


Our school boasts world-class infrastructure spread across the sprawling campus. From a playground echoing with laughter to labs equipped for hands-on learning in computer science, mathematics, and science, we prioritise creating an environment conducive to the pursuit of knowledge. Smart classes and interactive panels leverage technology to make education interactive and engaging, while our vast library opens the door to a world of knowledge with over 5000 informative books.



Sports and Achievements:


Our Sports Academy is a testament to the dedication and prowess of our students. In football, congratulations are in order for Ronald Murmu and Donald Murmu, who were selected for Srinidhi Football Club, showcasing their exceptional talent. Moreover, our U/17 boys emerged victorious in the S.G.F tournament, underscoring the level of skill and teamwork within our sports community.

Switching to table tennis, the remarkable achievements of Rahmath Unnisa and P. Harshitha deserve applause. They not only secured 2nd and 4th places in district selections but also brought home gold medals, playing a vital role in our Hyderabad team's success at the inter-district tournament in Karimnagar.

Basketball enthusiasts, take pride in the accomplishments of Sanvi, Raja Ram, Rohan, Saanvi, Prabhath, Kenneth, and Noel. Their achievements range from winning bronze medals in state-level championships to participating in national-level events. Our under-17 basketball boys' team also participated valiantly in the School Games Federation of Hyderabad District.

Beyond sports, the academic prowess of our students shines brightly. In the recently concluded academic year, the exceptional results of our 10th-grade students reflect their commitment to academic excellence. These accomplishments are not just individual victories but also a testament to the high standards of education we uphold at Don Bosco School of Excellence.



Acknowledging Collective Efforts:


Before we conclude, I would be remiss not to express my deepest gratitude to our esteemed Rector and Director, Father Gopu Peter Reddy, for his visionary leadership and unwavering dedication. Father’s guidance has been instrumental in steering our institution toward excellence, and we are truly fortunate to have him at the helm.

And to the pillars of our school community— dedicated teachers, and committed staff. Your unwavering support and collaborative efforts have been instrumental in creating an environment where students thrive, learn, and achieve.

To the parents, thank you for entrusting us with the education and nurturing of your children. Your partnership is invaluable, and we appreciate the trust you place in Don Bosco School of Excellence.

To our teachers and staff, your passion, commitment, and hard work lay the foundation for our students' success. Your role extends far beyond the classroom, shaping the future leaders and innovators of tomorrow.

As we stand united, let us continue to work hand in hand, fostering an atmosphere of growth, learning, and excellence. Together, we can continue to make Don Bosco School of Excellence a beacon of inspiration and achievement.


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