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Why Choose Don Bosco School of Excellence?

Holistic Development

Our commitment goes beyond academics. At Don Bosco, we focus on the holistic development of each student, nurturing their intellectual, physical, and social well-being.


Extracurricular Opportunities

From sports to arts, music, and more, we offer a range of extracurricular activities that complement our academic curriculum, ensuring a well-rounded education.


Innovative and Interactive Learning

Our school is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including smart classrooms and well-equipped laboratories, which create an interactive and engaging learning environment. We blend traditional teaching methods with modern technology to prepare our students for the future


Dedicated Faculty

Our faculty comprises passionate and experienced educators who are committed to delivering personalized attention to each student. They are dedicated to helping every learner reach their highest potential.


Values and Community Engagement

Don Bosco School is a community that instills values like empathy, respect, and community service. We foster an inclusive and supportive environment where every student is valued and encouraged to contribute positively to society.


Life Skills and Future Readiness

Our focus extends beyond academic knowledge to include essential life skills such as effective communication, critical thinking, and adaptability. We aim to prepare our students not just for higher education but for a successful and dynamic future.

How to Apply :

  1. Explore Our Programs: Take a closer look at our academic programs and the unique opportunities we offer for your child's growth and development.

  2. Review Admission Criteria: Familiarize yourself with our admission criteria, ensuring that your child meets the requirements for a seamless application process.

  3. Download Application Form: Access our easy-to-fill application form, available for download on our website. Complete the form with the necessary details.

  4. Submit Application: Submit the filled application form along with the required documents to our admissions office. Details for submission can be found in the application packet.


Select Class and Click to Download

Download and fill the application form and visit our school.

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